
  Habitat Systems has culminated a complete professional line of liquid fertilizers for the purpose of accelerating wildlife forage and providing the habitat manager with affordable, easy to use options at a reduced cost per acre over granular fertilizers. This professional line, now available to the public, carry's with it the attributes of both Bio-stimulants and the effectiveness of some synthetics. This type of system is called "spoonfeeding" and used by professional agronomists across the country for intense crop production.

Soil Prep

This product is a necessary component of every soil building venture. It is a unique combination of both soil stimulant and a soil alkalizer in one. This liquid product is nothing like any other alkalizer on the market. It will work to raise your PH in about 15 days naturally without the wait of standard ag lime. The stimulant portion is designed to get soil moving in its natural progression of a active healthy ecosystem within the soil. It represents the perfect relationship between turning dirt in to soil. It is easy to mix and easy to spray.


A true soil stimulant designed to replenish and replicate the natural plant acids, carbon and micro-nutrient that are released and "farmed out" of healthy soil. This combined with our managed crop plan will serve to re-boot your soil to an active ecosystem rich in natural crop production. Can be easily tank mixed with all liquid fertilizers and applied directly to soil or used as a standalone foliar applied crop production tool.

Professional Grade


Personal Touch